Initial Dental Examination


We believe that the road to long-term dental health, comfortable function and a beautiful smile starts with a comprehensive examination. Your initial appointment will give us an opportunity to discuss your concerns and treatment goals, review your past medical and dental history, and conduct a comprehensive dental examination.

Once we have gathered all the essential information, we will share our findings with you and discuss the alternative ways we can best help you achieve your goals. Since we believe that cosmetic dentistry is a biological science first, and a mechanical art second, we pay particular attention to signs and symptoms of dental disease. Much like the physician who conducts a physical exam and takes your blood pressure, we listen to what your body
is telling us.

Whether your goal is to achieve outstanding dental health for a lifetime or to finally get that beautiful smile you have always imagined, our suggestions for your care are based upon sound biological and aesthetic principles that insure the best long-term results.

Please assist us by providing the following information at the time of your consultation:

  • Recent X-rays (if available).
  • A list of medications you are presently taking.

IMPORTANT: All patients under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian during the consultation visit.

Please alert the office if you have a medical condition that may be of concern (i.e., heart murmur, diabetes, high blood pressure, artificial heart valves and joints, rheumatic fever, etc.) or if you are on any medication (i.e., heart medications, aspirin, anticoagulant therapy, etc.).